Preparation of Manuscript

You are welcome to the Era of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Journal (EPRJ).

We appreciate your intent to be part of this journal. You are recommended to read the guidelines carefully before submitting the relevant manuscript.


Manuscripts must be submitted with tables and figures and preferably contain double spacing in order to be recognized by the committee. The article must be unique, precise, and original. Don’t use published content. You can include only six authors in your manuscript. Your manuscript should contain only 2400 words for the original article, 1200 words for the case report, and 3000 words for the review article with an abstract and references. Short communications should have 1200 words total with 10  references and one table or figure. You will use the Times New Roman font, a heading size of 14 in capitals and bold, and a paragraph font size of 12. The number of tables and figures should be four or fewer. You are requested to use the accurate spelling of the author’s and co-author’s names at the time of submission. You cannot change the name and order of the authors after the final submission of the manuscript. You can submit your relevant article to the journal by clicking the submission button.

Title and author's name: 

The first page of the manuscript, i.e., the title page, should be brief and illustrative. You will not mention the author’s, department's, and institution’s names or the authors’ affiliations individually. You are requested to use the accurate spelling of the author’s and co-author’s names at the time of submission. You cannot change the name after the final submission of the manuscript, as afterwards there is no option to modify anything. If you need assistance, you will mention it at the top of the page. If you have any variance in interest, you will have to inform us. We allow only six (6) authors in a single manuscript.


The abstract should not be more than 250 words. It should contain the following four headings: objective, methodology, results, and conclusions. The author will be required to clarify the topic covered in the abstract as well as how he conducted, managed, and completed the result.


You can add only 24 references to an original article. The maximum number of references for a case report is 10, and for a review article, it is 40. You will add the reference with double-spaced digits as they are cited. You will add a reference in Vancouver style, the text form without brackets, and superscript it before the full stop.


You can use 3 to 10 keywords or short terms at the end of the abstract page. For keywords, always use Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) from Medline. It would help if you avoided general and plural phrases and numerous notions (for example, ‘and" and "of’) in this section.

Measurement Units:

An author will describe all the findings and measurements in traditional units using System International (SI) units.


The use of abbreviations has been restricted in the article. You can only use abbreviations in unit measurements. Regardless, the title and abstract should not contain any abbreviations.

IRB Approval:

IRB approval is mandatory from your relevant institute. The approval letter must be signed and stamped, and you have to upload it as an additional file. The referencing style should be the Vancouver style. Mention the full names of all the authors; either there are six or fewer than six authors. If there are seven authors, you will mention only the first six. A sample of the recommended reference style is given below:

Hashim A, Mustafa I, Shahid S, Butt SS, Ali A. Students’ satisfaction in online education programs among undergraduate physiotherapy students of Lahore during COVID-19 Rawal Medical Journal. 2020 Jul;45(3):507-9

Tables and illustrations:

spacedget or translatingUse separate pages for each table and illustration with a double-space title. The figures you design should be professional. When you use symbols, letters and numbers, they should be apparent and extensive sufficiently to remain readable after the formation is lower to fit the single column width. Do not use tables in jpg; try to use them in MS Word format; the caption must be concise. For tables, the caption must be written at the top, and for the figure, the caption must be written at the bottom. Always take consent from patients before using their pictures in the article. You are allowed to use only four (4) figures/tables. It would be best to avoid repeating the given results from the tables into figures.

Authorship Criteria:

According to the ICMJE guidelines, the authorship should establish the following standards:

  1. Significant contributions to conception and design, accession of data, or analysis and interpretation of data.
  2. Formulating the article or reworking it is crucial for important intellectual content.
  3. Final endorsement of the performance to be published.
  4. All those who fulfil the above three conditions are qualified to be included as Authors in the manuscript
  5. There has to be one of the authors who give final consent and is the guarantor of the article for the precision of data.

Accession of allocation, data supply, and general management of the research group do not permit anyone to be an author. All candidates who don’t fulfill the selected criteria for authorship will be added to the acknowledgement section. You must acknowledge the technical supporters, writing assistants, and department directors who provide you with general help in your research work. When you highlight an author in the acknowledgement list, it will authorize the acknowledgement. All authors must have relevant specialties. We will deny if anyone has an irrelevant domain.

Author's Certificate and Permissions: 

Please click here to download the Authors Contribution Declaration Form, complete it, sign it, and upload it with the manuscript. The material carried from different sources for duplication in the journal must receive the necessary approval in writing from both the author and publisher. Let us know if you have any conflicts of interest, ethics, or confidentiality.


Turnitin software will be used to check for plagiarism before further processing. All manuscripts will be screened, and the authors must be under 18. If any resemblance is detected, your article will not be published in our journal. If we refuse to take it, then your submission will be revoked. You will be notified via email for further response.

Review and Action: 

After receiving the manuscript, an acknowledgement letter will be granted to you. The editorial staff will review the manuscripts. It will then be returned to you for reimbursement. Then it will be sent to external experts for review if an article is found eligible. The remarks of the reviewer will be displayed to the affiliated author. If you obtain acceptance of the article, it will be notified to the authors at their mentioned email address.


All the queries linked to the manuscripts will be sent to you via email. Phone calls will be ineffective. You need to give the correct reference number and full title of the manuscript with your request

Article Processing and Publication Fee: No fee

Source of Funding: Self Funding